About Us

My story is relative simple with one exception.... I loved sales.  From a very young age, like maybe 8-9 years old you would find me pulling my little red wagon up and down the street show my wares, for example, all occasion cards, Christmas cards in season, produce from my family's garden, anything that put change in my pocket.  When 12, I aquired a paper route that I had for four years.  I had over 120 customers and I took my small business serious.  Making over $140 per month, I paid for my own christian education, cloths and misc goods that I needed, school supplies etc.  Then at the age of 16, I sold cars for my father at Eldon Vories Motors and works at his Chevron Service station.  As years went by, you find me serving my country in Vietnam with a very responsible possition, head clerk in Security/Operations with a Top Secret classification for the 4th Infintry Division in the Pleiku Valley, Central Highlands.  After Service I woked  in every corner of the dealership from cleaning, detaling cars, shop, parts and srvidce, offiece to General Manager/Owner.  After approximately 20 years, sold out and became GM of the dealership I sold out to with a year in between.  After 14 years there retired and started AUTOCHOICE, where I am presently and have successfully operated it now for over 20 years.  Working remoting from my home, I speciallize in selling consigned classics which have found their way around the world in over 20 countries.  I also had loyal customs continue with me finding them cars and selling their own cars.  One of these days, maybe when I hit a 100, I will think about retiring for good, who knows.  One thing for sure I learned from a very young age, as my Dad use to tell me, never look at your customer monetarly, but look at them on how can I service them the best way I can, go the extra mile, then and only then the monetary reward would follow.  That I can testify is very true.  And one more thing, never worry, let God be your partner!

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